“We are not only spectacular in cricket…” Arnold Dix congratulated by the Australian Prime Minister.

International tunnel expert Arnold Dix expressed his gratitude upon the successful rescue of all 41 workers from the Silkyara Tunnel. He thanked the Prime Minister of Australia, Anthony Albanese, for his congratulatory message.

Arnold Dix mentioned that it is his privilege and joy to demonstrate that we are not only excellent in cricket but also in other tasks, which include tunnel rescue. He acknowledged the excellent engineers available in India and stated that it is a great pleasure to be a part of this successful mission.

He expressed his intention to visit a temple to fulfill his promise of gratitude. Arnold Dix also mentioned his prayers for all the 41 people and the rescuers who helped in safely bringing them out of the tunnel. He further commended the Indian officials for their remarkable achievement and expressed pride in Professor Arnold Dix for his role in overseeing the two-week-long operation.

The Australian Prime Minister, Anthony Albanese, expressed his pride in the Indian officials and specifically mentioned the incredible accomplishment of Professor Arnold Dix. Both Arnold Dix and the Australian High Commissioner, Philip Green, praised the rescue mission and considered it a significant achievement. Dix highlighted the importance of demonstrating that we excel not only in cricket but also in other important tasks like tunnel rescue.

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